Our plnts

Indoor plants

Old aloe

Aloe vera var. barbadensis

Deeply but infrequently, allowing the top layer to dry before watering
Bright direct in the winter; bright indirect in the summer
Average to dry room
13-27 °C
Every 3-4 weeks, in the summer, with half-strength nitrogen based food
Well drained cacti soil

Spotty aloe

Aloe vera var. chinensis

Deeply but infrequently, allowing the top layer to dry before watering
Bright direct in the winter; bright indirect in the summer
Average to dry room
13-27 °C
Every 3-4 weeks, in the summer, with half-strength nitrogen based food
Well drained cacti soil

Bird nest fern

Asplenium nidus

Evenly moist but don't let it sit in water
Bright indirect light; avoid direct sunlight
16-24 °C
Every two weeks in spring and summer with half strength
Peat moss-based mix

Spider plant

Chlorophytum comosum var. vitatum

Keep soil evenly moist; avoid flouride
Bright indirect
18-24 °C
Every two weeks through summer with half strength
Peat moss-based potting mix

Money tree (jade plant)

Crassula ovata

Allow soil to dry out between waterings
Bright light with some direct sun
Dry to average
18-24 °C
Monthly from spring through autumn with half strength succulent fertiliser
Fast draining soil

Dragon tree

Dracaena marginata

Lightly moist spring through autumn; slightly drier in winter
Bright indirect; avoid direct sunlight in summer
Average room
18-24 °C
Every two weeks in spring and summer
Good quality all-purpose

Snek plent

Dracaena trifasciata var. laurentii

In summer, keep soil lightly moist; in winter, just enough so soil doesn't dry out
Bright light to full sun but will tolerate low light
Average room
16-24 °C
Feed monthly from spring to autumn
Soilless or cactus potting mix

Mosaic plant (nerve plant)

Fittonia verschaffeltii

Allow soil to dry slightly between waterings
Low to medium; avoid direct sunlight
18-24 °C
Every two to three months sprint through autumn
Peat based with added pearlite

Moth orchid

Phalaenopsis Red Lip

Regular warm water; never cold water
Moderately light or dappled
Medium to high humidity
16-19 °C night; 19-30 °C day
Weekly with weak orchid food
Orchid mix


Pilosocereus lanuginosus

Allow soil to dry out completely inbetween waterings; regularly in the summer
Full sun
Dry to average
Minimum 13 °C; prefers hot
Once a year with cactus food
Cactus mix

Christmas cactus

Schlumbergera brigesli

Water thoroughly but don't let it sit in water
Lots of bright indirect light
Medium to high humidity
To flower 16-18 °C day and 7-13 °C night; otherwise, 16-24 °C
Every two weeks spring through autumn
Well draining

Peace lily

Spathiphyllum wallisii

Keep soil evenly moist but don't let it sit in water
Bright light; avoid direct sunlight
Average room
18-24 °C
Every month in spring and summer with half strength
Peat moss-based mix

Pink quill plant

Wallisia cyanea

Spray with water until leaves are thoroughly wet two to three times a week; rain water or filtered tap water
Bright indirect light; avoid direct sunlight
Average room
18-24 °C
Foliar fertiliser for wallisia once a month in spring and summer
Loose fine grade bark mix


Zamioculcas zamifolia raven

Dry out fully between watering
Almost any light level except total darkness or harsh sun
Not important
13-26 °C
Once in spring, once in summer
Any well-drained potting soil


Big old aloe

Aloe vera var. barbadensis

2016 - Sept 2020

Beloved father


Ficus benjamina 'variegata'

2018 - July 2020

Gone but never forgotten